
One of the Old Testament options for this week (Ezekiel 17:22-24) ends on a very important note.  “All the trees of the field shall know that I am Lord.  I bring low the high tree, I make high the low tree; I dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish.  I the Lord have spoken; I will accomplish it.”  Things are going to change for the better for the low; less so for the high.  The question is how?

           We’ve seen the answer in the last couple of weeks. 

            A small bakery in Texas posted a picture on Facebook of its Pride-themed rainbow cookies.  They lost lots of followers and some big orders.  They received hateful messages.  The dominant powers left them low.  The next day a line literally wrapped around the block of people buying rainbow cookies to support the bakery.  “I will accomplish it,” says the Lord.  That’s how.

            A couple in Wind Point, Wisconsin started flying a rainbow flag outside their house in March.  Within the last month, the homeowners’ association rules changed to allow only the American flag to be flown, and the couple was reported for the violation.  The order came down from on high to the low.  Take the flag down.  They did.  Rules are rules.  They complied but were not deterred and were no less determined.  Instead of the flag, they lit the outside of their house with different colors of floodlights creating a rainbow in the night for three hours every day.  “If we can’t fly the flag, we’ll find a different way to still show that representation and we just happened to do it through our floodlights,” one of the couples said.  “I will accomplish it,” says the Lord.  That’s how.

            A bridge in Jacksonville was bathed in rainbow colors at night.  The Jacksonville Transportation Authority says it was informed that the color scheme was in violation of its permit and had to stop.  People reacted.  Strongly.  The next day the state Department of Transportation amended the local permit to allow the rainbow.  It’s back.  “I will accomplish it,” says the Lord.  That’s how. 

            Love Must Act exists to help answer the question “How?”  We exist to lift up the low by providing educational opportunities.  We do that in South Africa (which Desmond Tutu calls the Rainbow Nation, by the way) and Gaza.  But we also exist to give Americans an opportunity to stand with the low.  We believe that’s how things change.  We believe that’s how God accomplishes a new thing.  All of the trees of the field shall know.  That’s how.




                                                               Founder and President