God’s Faithfulness

            As I contemplated this week’s Old Testament lesson, 2 Samuel 11:1-15, I happened to accidentally tune into a radio preacher in the car.  I didn’t listen very long, so I don’t know exactly what he was preaching about.  Probably the same old thing.  But I do recall is declaring “unfortunately that means you’re going to hell.”  I may not know exactly what the preacher thought worthy of such utter condemnation and punishment, but it did occur to me that it had some relevance to King David.  And it occurred to me it didn’t much sound like God in the Bible.

            David’s behavior described in this week’s lesson was about the most despicable thing I can imagine.  He observed Bathsheba bathing on her roof and was, let’s face it, filled with lust, which he satisfied.  When Bathsheba became pregnant, he concocted a plan first to get Uriah, who was away fighting a war on David’s behalf, to come home so that the baby could be plausibly traced to him rather than David.  Uriah was too committed to what he had dedicated himself to in the king’s service and did not lie with his wife or even see her for that matter.  So in a truly dastardly deed, David arranged for Uriah to be killed in battle, which indeed came to pass.  It seems to me there are few more worthy of eternal hell than David.  But that is not what happened.  Indeed Bathsheba went on to bear a son to David, Solomon, who would be great in the history of Israel.  As Samuel reports, not only did the Lord love Solomon (12:24) but David was granted a great victory on the battlefield (vv.26 ff.).

            Here’s what I take from that.  David may not have been faithful to God.  God was steadfast to David, despicable or not.  I’m afraid David makes a pretty good representation of humanity.  And still God does not abandon him.  I find this pretty hopeful overall.

            No matter what we do, it seems, God chooses not to separate from us.   It isn’t about what we’ve done or not done.  It isn’t about whether we’re despicable or not despicable.  It isn’t even about whether we’re faithful or not faithful.  God is and that makes all the difference.



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